
Trip Journal: Paris Update #6

Paris Update (London) #6
Thursday, April 21, 2011 5:26 PM

Dear Friends and Family,

Off we go on the train to London!

Theme for the day--Starstruck

The day started off with us getting up early, which was not easy after the long walking trip through Paris the day before. We were headed off to a four day adventure in London, so Mama Canard gathered up her ducks at Gare du Nord and we all got on the Eurostar.

Two hours later, having traveled at the top speed of 208 miles per hour in some spots and having gone through a twenty-minute, twenty-mile-long tunnel under the English Channel, we arrived at St Pancras Station in the heart of London. 

Before this trip, I knew something of the the TV show MI5 (or Spooks as it's known in the UK), and the extent of the dedication to the show that all of these ladies have, but I really had no idea...

The TV show is all about MI-5, which is a Sister Service to MI-6 (James Bond).  MI-6 is concerned with UK security from threats outside of the country, and MI-5 is charged with security within the UK (i.e., MI-5 will handle security for Will and Kate's wedding).  Needless to say, it's a show about spies...:-))

You would have thought WE were all spies -- eight women gathering intel and placing themselves in the best position possible to see someone, anyone, from the show...and we hit the jackpot.  The female lead, Nicola Walker, not only walked past us, but she stopped, on her own, and spoke to us -- allowing us to take photos with her.

Understand that Nicola is a high profile television star on a very popular TV show, so this was quite an event for the girls, and for me as well. For me, knowing how far everyone had traveled to have that possibility of seeing someone from the show, and then having it realized with Nicola being so gracious with her time and so interested in everyone's stories, made me an instant fan of hers -- and more of a fan of the show.  I'll admit I was somewhat starstruck!

For the girls it was a great moment. Once Nicola left, we all needed to get back to our hotel -- but first we needed a drink to digest what had just happened. So we stopped at our first English pub and I had my first English ale, which was very good. We all made our way back to our hotel and settled in for the night -- having realized the universe had delivered the goods on the beginning of our London adventure. What a Day!

Two years ago, Robert and I decided we wanted to see the Eiffel Tower together.  We had no idea how that would happen...but I bought a necklace with the Tower on it, and charms that said "Dream", "Be", and "Do"...with the idea that I would form the trip in my head and it would somehow happen.

I watched the first episodes of "MI-5" on YouTube just a little bit later, then sought out a website to find out more, then a forum to talk to other fans -- and it was there that I met Isa, a fan from Paris.  After chatting for six months, Isa shared that she and her family wanted very much to see Glacier National Park and Yellowstone -- and we began planning her stay with us.

It was then that I shared Robert's and my dream, and this trip was planned....

I suppose my theme for the day would be -- things may not happen the way you think they will, but, as long as you stay open...they CAN happen.  And yes, I play the lottery!

The meeting with Nicola fell right into place with all of the above...:-))

Much love from London...
:-)) xx
Robert and Susan

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